2. AUDIENCE COMMENTS. Any person wishing to address the City Council on any matter not on the agenda may do so at this time. However, the State open meetings law (Government Code Section 54950 et seq.) prohibits the City Council from providing a detailed response or acting upon any item not contained on the agenda posted 72 hours before a regular meeting and 24 hours before a special meeting. If you wish to address the City Council at this time, please complete a speaker's card and give it to the City Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Please use the microphone provided, clearly stating your name for the official record and courteously limiting your remarks to three (3) minutes so others may have the opportunity to speak as well.
2. AUDIENCE COMMENTS. Any person wishing to address the City Council on any matter not on the agenda may do so at this time. However, the State open meetings law (Government Code Section 54950 et seq.) prohibits the City Council from providing a detailed response or acting upon any item not contained on the agenda posted 72 hours before a regular meeting and 24 hours before a special meeting. If you wish to address the City Council at this time, please complete a speaker's card and give it to the City Clerk prior to the commencement of the meeting. Please use the microphone provided, clearly stating your name for the official record and courteously limiting your remarks to three (3) minutes so others may have the opportunity to speak as well.