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Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on March 3, 2014.
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on March 17, 2014.
3. Resolution 7-2014 denying a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless communication facility at 3820 Cagle Street. (Case File No.: 2014-01 CUP) OTHER BUSINESS
3. Resolution 7-2014 denying a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless communication facility at 3820 Cagle Street. (Case File No.: 2014-01 CUP) OTHER BUSINESS
4. Update on CIP Projects.
5. Report on Wireless Telecommunication Facilities. City Attorney Executive Director
Mar 17, 2014 Planning Commission Immediately Following HCDC
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting held on March 3, 2014.
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on March 17, 2014.
3. Resolution 7-2014 denying a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless communication facility at 3820 Cagle Street. (Case File No.: 2014-01 CUP) OTHER BUSINESS
3. Resolution 7-2014 denying a Conditional Use Permit for a wireless communication facility at 3820 Cagle Street. (Case File No.: 2014-01 CUP) OTHER BUSINESS
4. Update on CIP Projects.
5. Report on Wireless Telecommunication Facilities. City Attorney Executive Director
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