Video index
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Alvarado.
Approval of Minutes
1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 17, 2010.
2. Request for Continuance of Appeal of Notice of Violation filed by Charleton Adler and Ben Adler for McDini's Restaurant at 105 E. 8th Street. Case File No. 2010-14 Appeal. PRESENTATION
3. Presentation by Miguel Diaz, Public Works Park Superintendent on duties of the Planning Commission when acting on streetscape items. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING
4. Modification of a Conditional Use Permit to Extend Hours of Operation for the Sale of Alcohol, Karaoke, and Live Entertainment at an Existing Restaurant located at 1615 Sweetwater Road. Applicant: Dr. Benjamin Camacho. Case File No. 2010-01 MCUP.
5. Resolution No. 11-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on Modification of a Conditional Use Permit to Extent the Hours of Operation for the Sale of Alcohol, Karaoke, and Live Entertainment at an Existing Restaurant located at 1615 Sweetwater Road. Applicant: Dr. Benjamin Camacho. Case File No. 2010-01 MCUP. PUBLIC HEARINGS
6. Conditional Use Permit for Off-Sale Alcohol at a proposed Grocery Store at 3007 Highland Avenue. Applicant: Bodega Latina Corp. dba El Super. Case File No. 2010-08 CUP.
7. Resolution No. 12-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for Off-Sale Alcohol at a proposed Grocery Store at 3007 Highland Avenue. Applicant: Bodega Latina Corp. dba El Super. Case File No. 2010-08 CUP.
8. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City Amending Title 18 of the Municipal Code by Amending the General Plan Land Use/Zoning Map and Amending Chapters 18.10 (Zones and Zoning Map), 1814 (Residential Zones), 18.16 (Commercial Zones), 18.50 (Fences, Walls and Hedges) 18.58 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) 18.62 (Signs and Outdoor Advertising Displays) 18.104 (Use Groups) 18.108 (Nonconforming Uses) and 18.140 (Mixed Uses) to provide Standards Implementing the Previously Adopted Westside Specific Plan. Applicant: City of National City. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
9. Resolution No. 13-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City Amending Title 18 of the Municipal Code by Amending the General Plan Land Use/Zoning Map and Amending Chapters 18.10 (Zones and Zoning Map), 1814 (Residential Zones), 18.16 (Commercial Zones), 18.50 (Fences, Walls and Hedges) 18.58 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) 18.62 (Signs and Outdoor Advertising Displays) 18.104 (Use Groups) 18.108 (Nonconforming Uses) and 18.140 (Mixed Uses) to provide Standards Implementing the Previously Adopted Westside Specific Plan. Applicant: City of National City. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR OTHER BUSINESS
10. Report regarding recommending the extension for 12 months of the Interim Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City, adopted pursuant to Government Code Section 65868 as an Urgency Measure, enacting a Moratorium Prohibiting Establishments Dispensing Marijuana for Medical Purposes in National City. Case File No. 2009-14 A.
11. Resolution No. 14-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, recommending the city council Extend for 12 months the Moratorium Prohibiting Establishments Dispensing Marijuana for Medical Purposes in National City. Case File No. 2009-14 A..
12. Review of Draft Planning Commission Bylaws.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Jun 07, 2010 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Alvarado.
Approval of Minutes
1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 17, 2010.
2. Request for Continuance of Appeal of Notice of Violation filed by Charleton Adler and Ben Adler for McDini's Restaurant at 105 E. 8th Street. Case File No. 2010-14 Appeal. PRESENTATION
3. Presentation by Miguel Diaz, Public Works Park Superintendent on duties of the Planning Commission when acting on streetscape items. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING
4. Modification of a Conditional Use Permit to Extend Hours of Operation for the Sale of Alcohol, Karaoke, and Live Entertainment at an Existing Restaurant located at 1615 Sweetwater Road. Applicant: Dr. Benjamin Camacho. Case File No. 2010-01 MCUP.
5. Resolution No. 11-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on Modification of a Conditional Use Permit to Extent the Hours of Operation for the Sale of Alcohol, Karaoke, and Live Entertainment at an Existing Restaurant located at 1615 Sweetwater Road. Applicant: Dr. Benjamin Camacho. Case File No. 2010-01 MCUP. PUBLIC HEARINGS
6. Conditional Use Permit for Off-Sale Alcohol at a proposed Grocery Store at 3007 Highland Avenue. Applicant: Bodega Latina Corp. dba El Super. Case File No. 2010-08 CUP.
7. Resolution No. 12-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for Off-Sale Alcohol at a proposed Grocery Store at 3007 Highland Avenue. Applicant: Bodega Latina Corp. dba El Super. Case File No. 2010-08 CUP.
8. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City Amending Title 18 of the Municipal Code by Amending the General Plan Land Use/Zoning Map and Amending Chapters 18.10 (Zones and Zoning Map), 1814 (Residential Zones), 18.16 (Commercial Zones), 18.50 (Fences, Walls and Hedges) 18.58 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) 18.62 (Signs and Outdoor Advertising Displays) 18.104 (Use Groups) 18.108 (Nonconforming Uses) and 18.140 (Mixed Uses) to provide Standards Implementing the Previously Adopted Westside Specific Plan. Applicant: City of National City. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
9. Resolution No. 13-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City Amending Title 18 of the Municipal Code by Amending the General Plan Land Use/Zoning Map and Amending Chapters 18.10 (Zones and Zoning Map), 1814 (Residential Zones), 18.16 (Commercial Zones), 18.50 (Fences, Walls and Hedges) 18.58 (Off-Street Parking and Loading) 18.62 (Signs and Outdoor Advertising Displays) 18.104 (Use Groups) 18.108 (Nonconforming Uses) and 18.140 (Mixed Uses) to provide Standards Implementing the Previously Adopted Westside Specific Plan. Applicant: City of National City. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR OTHER BUSINESS
10. Report regarding recommending the extension for 12 months of the Interim Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City, adopted pursuant to Government Code Section 65868 as an Urgency Measure, enacting a Moratorium Prohibiting Establishments Dispensing Marijuana for Medical Purposes in National City. Case File No. 2009-14 A.
11. Resolution No. 14-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, recommending the city council Extend for 12 months the Moratorium Prohibiting Establishments Dispensing Marijuana for Medical Purposes in National City. Case File No. 2009-14 A..
12. Review of Draft Planning Commission Bylaws.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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