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Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Pruitt.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
2. Variance to allow a reduced lot size of 2,675 square feet and a Reduced Side Yard Setback for a Portion of the Side Yard for a Parcel within the Residential Single-Family 3 Planned Development (RS-3-PD) Zone Located between 922 and 926 E. 7th Street. Case File No. 2009-21 Z.
4. Amendment to Title 18 (Zoning) Chapter 18.54 of the National City Municipal Code pertaining to Landscaping. Case File No. 2009-25 A.
5. Resolution No.02-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on an Amendment to Title 18 (Zoning) Chapter 18.54 of the National City Municipal Code pertaining to Landscaping. Case File No. 2009-25 A.
2. Variance to allow a reduced lot size of 2,675 square feet and a Reduced Side Yard Setback for a Portion of the Side Yard for a Parcel within the Residential Single-Family 3 Planned Development (RS-3-PD) Zone Located between 922 and 926 E. 7th Street. Case File No. 2009-21 Z.
3. Resolution No. 01-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Variance to allow a reduced lot size of 2,675 square feet and a Reduced Side Yard Setback for a Portion of the Side Yard for a Parcel with the Residential Single-Family 3 Planned Development (RS-3-PD) Zone Located between 922 and 926 E. 7th Street. Case File No. 2009-21 Z.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Jan 11, 2010 Planning Commission
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Video Index
Full agenda
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Pruitt.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
2. Variance to allow a reduced lot size of 2,675 square feet and a Reduced Side Yard Setback for a Portion of the Side Yard for a Parcel within the Residential Single-Family 3 Planned Development (RS-3-PD) Zone Located between 922 and 926 E. 7th Street. Case File No. 2009-21 Z.
4. Amendment to Title 18 (Zoning) Chapter 18.54 of the National City Municipal Code pertaining to Landscaping. Case File No. 2009-25 A.
5. Resolution No.02-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on an Amendment to Title 18 (Zoning) Chapter 18.54 of the National City Municipal Code pertaining to Landscaping. Case File No. 2009-25 A.
2. Variance to allow a reduced lot size of 2,675 square feet and a Reduced Side Yard Setback for a Portion of the Side Yard for a Parcel within the Residential Single-Family 3 Planned Development (RS-3-PD) Zone Located between 922 and 926 E. 7th Street. Case File No. 2009-21 Z.
3. Resolution No. 01-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Variance to allow a reduced lot size of 2,675 square feet and a Reduced Side Yard Setback for a Portion of the Side Yard for a Parcel with the Residential Single-Family 3 Planned Development (RS-3-PD) Zone Located between 922 and 926 E. 7th Street. Case File No. 2009-21 Z.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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