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Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner DeLaPaz
Approval of Minutes
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ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (3 MINUTE TIME LIMIT). NOTE: Under State law, items requiring Commission action must be brought back on a subsequent agenda unless they are of a demonstrated emergency or urgent nature.
2. Update on the General Plan by Redevelopment Executive Director Brad Raulston. RESOLUTIONS
3. Resolution No. 5-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, Recommending Denial of a Proposed Project for a Seven Lot Residential Tentative Subdivision Map including Requests for Exceptions for Lot Size, Lot Width, and Street Frontage, Variance Requests for Three Story Units, Setbacks and Recommending Denial of a Request to Waive Undergrounding of Utilities Fronting Prospect Street on a 0.71-Acre Site at 2121 Grove Street. Applicant: Arnold Schmidt. Case File No. 2007-59 S, IS, Z. PUBLIC HEARINGS
4. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit for the sale of alcohol at the Marina Gateway Plaza Development at 700, 740 and 800 Bay Marina Drive. Applicant: Aloha Restaurants, Inc. Staff Report by Assistant Planner Martin Reeder. Case File No. 2009-07 CUP.
5. Resolution No. 8-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for the sale of alcohol at the Marina Gateway Plaza Development at 700, 740 and 800 Bay Marina Drive. Applicant: Aloha Restaurants, Inc. Case File No. 2009-07 CUP.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Apr 20, 2009 Planning Commission
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Full agenda
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner DeLaPaz
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (3 MINUTE TIME LIMIT). NOTE: Under State law, items requiring Commission action must be brought back on a subsequent agenda unless they are of a demonstrated emergency or urgent nature.
2. Update on the General Plan by Redevelopment Executive Director Brad Raulston. RESOLUTIONS
3. Resolution No. 5-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, Recommending Denial of a Proposed Project for a Seven Lot Residential Tentative Subdivision Map including Requests for Exceptions for Lot Size, Lot Width, and Street Frontage, Variance Requests for Three Story Units, Setbacks and Recommending Denial of a Request to Waive Undergrounding of Utilities Fronting Prospect Street on a 0.71-Acre Site at 2121 Grove Street. Applicant: Arnold Schmidt. Case File No. 2007-59 S, IS, Z. PUBLIC HEARINGS
4. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit for the sale of alcohol at the Marina Gateway Plaza Development at 700, 740 and 800 Bay Marina Drive. Applicant: Aloha Restaurants, Inc. Staff Report by Assistant Planner Martin Reeder. Case File No. 2009-07 CUP.
5. Resolution No. 8-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for the sale of alcohol at the Marina Gateway Plaza Development at 700, 740 and 800 Bay Marina Drive. Applicant: Aloha Restaurants, Inc. Case File No. 2009-07 CUP.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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