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Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Farias
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (3 MINUTE TIME LIMIT). NOTE: Under State law, items requiring Commission action must be brought back on a subsequent agenda unless they are of a demonstrated emergency or urgent nature.
2. Update on Port District Activities by Port Commissioner Robert Valderrama PUBLIC HEARINGS
3. Public Hearing and Proposed Negative Declaration for a Seven Lot Residential Tentative Subdivision Map including Requests for Exceptions for Lot Size, Lot Width and Street Frontage, a Variance Request for Three Story Units, Setbacks, and a Request to Waive Undergrounding of Utilities on a 0.71-Acre Site at 2121 Grove Street. Applicant: Arnold Schmidt. Staff Report by Principal Planner Peggy Chapin. Case File No. 2007-59 S, IS, Z.
4. Resolution No. 5-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Seven Lot Residential Tentative Subdivision Map including Requests for Exceptions for Lot Size, Lot Width and Street Frontage, a Variance Request for Three Story Units, Setbacks, and a Request to Waive Undergrounding of Utilities on a 0.71-Acre Site at 2121 Grove Street. Applicant: Arnold Schmidt. Case File No. 2007-59 S, IS, Z.
5. Public Hearing - AN Amendment to the National City Municipal Code Chapter 18.62 and Local Coastal Program Implementation Document Section XII pertaining to Signs and Outdoor Advertising. Applicant: City Initiated. Staff Report by Assistant Planner Martin Reeder. Case File No. 2007-41 A, LCP.
6. Resolution No. 6-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on an Amendment to the National City Municipal Code Chapter 18.62 and Local Coastal Program Implementation document Section XII pertaining to Signs and Outdoor Advertising. Applicant: City Initiated. Case File No. 2007-41 A, LCP.
7. Public Hearing - Request to Amend the Harbor District Specific Area Plan of the Local Coastal Program Pertaining to Signs. Applicant: MRW Group LLC. Staff Report by Principal Planner Peggy Chapin. Case File No. 2009-2 LCPA.
8. Resolution No. 7-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on an Amendment to the Harbor District Specific Area Plan of the Local Coastal Program Pertaining to Signs. Applicant: MRW Group. Case File No. 2009-2 LCPA. OTHER BUSINESS
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Apr 06, 2009 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Farias
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (3 MINUTE TIME LIMIT). NOTE: Under State law, items requiring Commission action must be brought back on a subsequent agenda unless they are of a demonstrated emergency or urgent nature.
2. Update on Port District Activities by Port Commissioner Robert Valderrama PUBLIC HEARINGS
3. Public Hearing and Proposed Negative Declaration for a Seven Lot Residential Tentative Subdivision Map including Requests for Exceptions for Lot Size, Lot Width and Street Frontage, a Variance Request for Three Story Units, Setbacks, and a Request to Waive Undergrounding of Utilities on a 0.71-Acre Site at 2121 Grove Street. Applicant: Arnold Schmidt. Staff Report by Principal Planner Peggy Chapin. Case File No. 2007-59 S, IS, Z.
4. Resolution No. 5-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Seven Lot Residential Tentative Subdivision Map including Requests for Exceptions for Lot Size, Lot Width and Street Frontage, a Variance Request for Three Story Units, Setbacks, and a Request to Waive Undergrounding of Utilities on a 0.71-Acre Site at 2121 Grove Street. Applicant: Arnold Schmidt. Case File No. 2007-59 S, IS, Z.
5. Public Hearing - AN Amendment to the National City Municipal Code Chapter 18.62 and Local Coastal Program Implementation Document Section XII pertaining to Signs and Outdoor Advertising. Applicant: City Initiated. Staff Report by Assistant Planner Martin Reeder. Case File No. 2007-41 A, LCP.
6. Resolution No. 6-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on an Amendment to the National City Municipal Code Chapter 18.62 and Local Coastal Program Implementation document Section XII pertaining to Signs and Outdoor Advertising. Applicant: City Initiated. Case File No. 2007-41 A, LCP.
7. Public Hearing - Request to Amend the Harbor District Specific Area Plan of the Local Coastal Program Pertaining to Signs. Applicant: MRW Group LLC. Staff Report by Principal Planner Peggy Chapin. Case File No. 2009-2 LCPA.
8. Resolution No. 7-2009. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on an Amendment to the Harbor District Specific Area Plan of the Local Coastal Program Pertaining to Signs. Applicant: MRW Group. Case File No. 2009-2 LCPA. OTHER BUSINESS
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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