Video index
1. Proclaiming the Month of May, 2013 as: "Building Safety Month"
2. Proclaiming the Week of May 1, 2013 through May 7, 2013 as: Youth Week"
3. Proclaiming the Week of May 19, 2013 thru May 25, 2013 as: "National Public Works Week"
4. Recognizing National City Police Sgt. David Bavencoff as Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. (Police)
5. Presentation of the National City's 125th Anniversary Quilt to the Mayor and City Council. (Community Services)
6. Presentation of the 2012 usage results of 2-1-1 San Diego by National City residents. (Fire) INTERVIEWS / APPOINTMENTS
7. Interviews and Appointments: Public Art Committee, Park, Recreation and Senior Citizen Advisory Board (PRSCAB). (City Clerk)
11. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City setting forth the City of National City's commitment to obesity prevention as set forth in the League of California Cities Workforce Program. (Fire)
18. Public Hearing No. 2 of 2 on the allocation of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Program Year 2013 entitlement grant funds, program income, and funds remaining from completed projects to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program activities proposed for the 2013-2014 Action Plan (Housing and Grants)
19. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the Mayor to execute the First Amendment to the Lease by and between the City of National City and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego approving the new name and new exterior signage of the building located at 1430 "D" Avenue to "Boys & Girls Clubs Bob Payne Family Branch", in recognition of the donation to the Boys & Girls Club from L. Robert Payne (City Attorney)
20. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the Mayor to amend the City's current contract with Moynahan's Towing and A to Z Enterprises DBA Road One Towing, to increase fees per section 3.5 Re-Opener Clause - Fee Schedule. **Continued from 4/2/2013** (Police)
21. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program entitlement funds appropriated for 2013/2014, accrued program income, and funds remaining from completed projects to CDBG and HOME activities recommended for inclusion in the 2013/2014 Annual Action Plan and authorizing the submission of said Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. (Housing and Grants)
22. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City supporting a reasonable and comprehensive approach to immigration reform. (City Manager)
23. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the City Manager to execute a Maintenance and Operating Agreement with the YMCA consistent with the primary deal points contained in the terms of the draft Maintenance and Operating Agreement to manage and operate the National City Municipal Pool and Camacho Recreation Center located in Las Palmas Park, with the exception of specific terms. (Community Services)
24. Temporary Use Permit - 'Every Fifteen Minutes' hosted by the National City Police Department at Sweetwater High School from May 15, 2013 to May 16, 2013. (Neighborhood Services)
25. Temporary Use Permit - 4th Annual Integrity Charter School's Jog-A-Thon hosted by Integrity Charter School at Kimball Park on May 24, 2013 from 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. with no waiver. (Neighborhood Services)
26. Presentation Discussion: Relocating the Public Works yard to allow the development of the Westside Infill Transit Oriented Development (WI-TOD). (Development Services)
27. Request for City Council direction on use of FY 2009-2013 San Diego Unified Port District Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funds. (Engineering)
28. Authorize the City Manager to send Letter of Opposition to Assembly Bill 5 which would establish the "Homeless Person's Bill of Rights and Fairness Act". (Community Services)
29. Scheduling a Follow-up City Council FY14 Budget and Strategic Planning Workshop. (City Manager)
May 07, 2013 City Council / Community Development Commission / Housing Authority
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Proclaiming the Month of May, 2013 as: "Building Safety Month"
2. Proclaiming the Week of May 1, 2013 through May 7, 2013 as: Youth Week"
3. Proclaiming the Week of May 19, 2013 thru May 25, 2013 as: "National Public Works Week"
4. Recognizing National City Police Sgt. David Bavencoff as Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. (Police)
5. Presentation of the National City's 125th Anniversary Quilt to the Mayor and City Council. (Community Services)
6. Presentation of the 2012 usage results of 2-1-1 San Diego by National City residents. (Fire) INTERVIEWS / APPOINTMENTS
7. Interviews and Appointments: Public Art Committee, Park, Recreation and Senior Citizen Advisory Board (PRSCAB). (City Clerk)
11. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City setting forth the City of National City's commitment to obesity prevention as set forth in the League of California Cities Workforce Program. (Fire)
18. Public Hearing No. 2 of 2 on the allocation of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Program Year 2013 entitlement grant funds, program income, and funds remaining from completed projects to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program activities proposed for the 2013-2014 Action Plan (Housing and Grants)
19. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the Mayor to execute the First Amendment to the Lease by and between the City of National City and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego approving the new name and new exterior signage of the building located at 1430 "D" Avenue to "Boys & Girls Clubs Bob Payne Family Branch", in recognition of the donation to the Boys & Girls Club from L. Robert Payne (City Attorney)
20. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the Mayor to amend the City's current contract with Moynahan's Towing and A to Z Enterprises DBA Road One Towing, to increase fees per section 3.5 Re-Opener Clause - Fee Schedule. **Continued from 4/2/2013** (Police)
21. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program entitlement funds appropriated for 2013/2014, accrued program income, and funds remaining from completed projects to CDBG and HOME activities recommended for inclusion in the 2013/2014 Annual Action Plan and authorizing the submission of said Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. (Housing and Grants)
22. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City supporting a reasonable and comprehensive approach to immigration reform. (City Manager)
23. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the City Manager to execute a Maintenance and Operating Agreement with the YMCA consistent with the primary deal points contained in the terms of the draft Maintenance and Operating Agreement to manage and operate the National City Municipal Pool and Camacho Recreation Center located in Las Palmas Park, with the exception of specific terms. (Community Services)
24. Temporary Use Permit - 'Every Fifteen Minutes' hosted by the National City Police Department at Sweetwater High School from May 15, 2013 to May 16, 2013. (Neighborhood Services)
25. Temporary Use Permit - 4th Annual Integrity Charter School's Jog-A-Thon hosted by Integrity Charter School at Kimball Park on May 24, 2013 from 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. with no waiver. (Neighborhood Services)
26. Presentation Discussion: Relocating the Public Works yard to allow the development of the Westside Infill Transit Oriented Development (WI-TOD). (Development Services)
27. Request for City Council direction on use of FY 2009-2013 San Diego Unified Port District Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funds. (Engineering)
28. Authorize the City Manager to send Letter of Opposition to Assembly Bill 5 which would establish the "Homeless Person's Bill of Rights and Fairness Act". (Community Services)
29. Scheduling a Follow-up City Council FY14 Budget and Strategic Planning Workshop. (City Manager)
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