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3. Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales, a banquet facility, and live entertainment at Big Ben Market located at 108 East 8th Street (Case File No. 2014-08 CUP).
4. Resolution 25-2014 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales, a banquet facility, and live entertainment at Big Ben Market located at 108 East 8th Street located at 108 East 8th Street (Case File No. 2014-08 CUP). PUBLIC HEARINGS
5. Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of one lot into three at 1745 East 10th Street with an exception for reduced lot frontage (Case File No. 2014-17 LS).
7. Tentative Parcel Map for subdividing one lot into two, Zone Variance for a reduced front yard setback, and exception for reduced lot width at 240 Norton Avenue (Case File No. 2014-18 LS, Z).
8. Resolution 27-2014 taking action on a Tentative Parcel Map for subdividing one lot into two, Zone Variance for a reduced front yard setback, and exception for reduced lot width at 240 Norton Avenue (Case File No. 2014-18 LS, Z). OTHER BUSINESS
May 23, 2009 Planning Commission
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Full agenda
3. Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales, a banquet facility, and live entertainment at Big Ben Market located at 108 East 8th Street (Case File No. 2014-08 CUP).
4. Resolution 25-2014 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales, a banquet facility, and live entertainment at Big Ben Market located at 108 East 8th Street located at 108 East 8th Street (Case File No. 2014-08 CUP). PUBLIC HEARINGS
5. Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of one lot into three at 1745 East 10th Street with an exception for reduced lot frontage (Case File No. 2014-17 LS).
7. Tentative Parcel Map for subdividing one lot into two, Zone Variance for a reduced front yard setback, and exception for reduced lot width at 240 Norton Avenue (Case File No. 2014-18 LS, Z).
8. Resolution 27-2014 taking action on a Tentative Parcel Map for subdividing one lot into two, Zone Variance for a reduced front yard setback, and exception for reduced lot width at 240 Norton Avenue (Case File No. 2014-18 LS, Z). OTHER BUSINESS
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