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Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
24. Report to the City Council of the City of National City from the appointed Independent Finance Committee containing a recommendation regarding the City of National City district sales tax pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.160.180 of the City of National City Municipal Code. (City Manager/Human Resources)
14. Continued Public Hearing - Street Vacation vacating a portion of D Avenue, south of 31st Street, and a portion of 32nd Street, east of D Avenue to allow construction of the 165,000 square-foot Gateway project. (Applicant: Sudberry Properties, Inc.) (Case File No. 2008-37 SC). (Development Services/Planning) **Companion Item #19**
15. Public Hearing to consider adoption of Resolutions amending Resolution Nos. 2010-59, 2010-70, and 2010-71, Resolutions of Necessity for the acquisition of real property for the Plaza Boulevard Street Widening Project (Nagraj, Inc., APN 557-410-19; Todd Al-Bayati/Samiya Abdul Sattar Kaddory, APN 557-420-30; Atremio P. Puedan/Flora O. Puedan, APN 557-410-05) (Development Services/City Attorney) **Companion Items #20, #21, #22**
16. Public Hearing - Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a foodmart with accessory beer and wine sales at an existing Shell gas station at 1601 East 8th Street. (Applicant: Vinters Distribution, Inc.) (Case File 2011-03 CUP) (Development Services/Planning) ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION
17. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Title 18 (Zoning) of the National City Municipal Code by amending Section 18.29.070 pertaining to the Floodway Overlay Zones. (Applicant: City initiated) (Case File 2011-25 A) (Development Services/Planning)
18. Resolution of Intention of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the formation and implementation of the National City Tourism and Marketing District. (Administrative Services)
19. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing execution of an Order of Vacation of a portion of D Avenue, south of 31st Street, and a portion of 32nd Street, east of D Avenue to allow construction of the 165,000 square-foot Gateway project. (Applicant: Sudberry Properties, Inc.) (Case File No. 2008-37 SC). (Development Services/Planning) **Companion Item #14**
20. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City amending Resolution No. 2010-59, adopted on April 6, 2010, and finding and declaring the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing condemnation and possession of certain real property interests for municipal purposes for the Plaza Boulevard Street Widening Project (Nagraj, Inc.) (A portion of Assessor’s Parcel No. 557-410-19; 1700 East Plaza Boulevard) (City Attorney) **Companion Items #15, #21, #22**
23. Investment Report for quarter ended September 30, 2011. (Finance)
25. The 2012-2013 Annual Action Plan for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs. (Administrative Services)
25a Resolution supporting the San Diego Convention Center Phase 3 Expansion Project
30. Report - City-wide Clean-up (Public Works)
31. Closed Session Report (City Attorney)
Nov 15, 2011 City Council / Community Development Commission
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Full agenda
Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
24. Report to the City Council of the City of National City from the appointed Independent Finance Committee containing a recommendation regarding the City of National City district sales tax pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.160.180 of the City of National City Municipal Code. (City Manager/Human Resources)
14. Continued Public Hearing - Street Vacation vacating a portion of D Avenue, south of 31st Street, and a portion of 32nd Street, east of D Avenue to allow construction of the 165,000 square-foot Gateway project. (Applicant: Sudberry Properties, Inc.) (Case File No. 2008-37 SC). (Development Services/Planning) **Companion Item #19**
15. Public Hearing to consider adoption of Resolutions amending Resolution Nos. 2010-59, 2010-70, and 2010-71, Resolutions of Necessity for the acquisition of real property for the Plaza Boulevard Street Widening Project (Nagraj, Inc., APN 557-410-19; Todd Al-Bayati/Samiya Abdul Sattar Kaddory, APN 557-420-30; Atremio P. Puedan/Flora O. Puedan, APN 557-410-05) (Development Services/City Attorney) **Companion Items #20, #21, #22**
16. Public Hearing - Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a foodmart with accessory beer and wine sales at an existing Shell gas station at 1601 East 8th Street. (Applicant: Vinters Distribution, Inc.) (Case File 2011-03 CUP) (Development Services/Planning) ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION
17. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Title 18 (Zoning) of the National City Municipal Code by amending Section 18.29.070 pertaining to the Floodway Overlay Zones. (Applicant: City initiated) (Case File 2011-25 A) (Development Services/Planning)
18. Resolution of Intention of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the formation and implementation of the National City Tourism and Marketing District. (Administrative Services)
19. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing execution of an Order of Vacation of a portion of D Avenue, south of 31st Street, and a portion of 32nd Street, east of D Avenue to allow construction of the 165,000 square-foot Gateway project. (Applicant: Sudberry Properties, Inc.) (Case File No. 2008-37 SC). (Development Services/Planning) **Companion Item #14**
20. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City amending Resolution No. 2010-59, adopted on April 6, 2010, and finding and declaring the public interest and necessity for acquiring and authorizing condemnation and possession of certain real property interests for municipal purposes for the Plaza Boulevard Street Widening Project (Nagraj, Inc.) (A portion of Assessor’s Parcel No. 557-410-19; 1700 East Plaza Boulevard) (City Attorney) **Companion Items #15, #21, #22**
23. Investment Report for quarter ended September 30, 2011. (Finance)
25. The 2012-2013 Annual Action Plan for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs. (Administrative Services)
25a Resolution supporting the San Diego Convention Center Phase 3 Expansion Project
30. Report - City-wide Clean-up (Public Works)
31. Closed Session Report (City Attorney)
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