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Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by Mayor Ron Morrison
Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
1. Employee of the Month of September 2009, James Stiles, Firefighter/Paramedic CITY COUNCIL
9. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Ordinance No. 1619, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1829, and Section 5 of Ordinance No, 91-2012, pertaining to the Committee for Housing and Community Development. (City Attorney)
10. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Chapter 2.28 of the National City Municipal Code by adding Section 2.28.015 thereto, pertaining to the Planning Commission functioning as the Committee for Housing and Community Development. (City Attorney)
11. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Title 15.04 of the National City Municipal Code pertaining to the City Council's authority to approve alternate materials and methods of construction, consider appeals, and make interpretations under Title 15 of the Municipal Code; and dissolving the Advisory and Appeals Board. (City Attorney)
12. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City adopting an amended Conflict of Interest Code which incorporates by reference the Fair Political Practices Commission's Standard Model Conflict of Interest Code, and rescinding Resolution No. 2008-180. (City Attorney)
13. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City accepting the work performed by Koch-Armstrong General Engineering, Inc. with the final amount of $6,265,090.46 and authorizing the Mayor to sign the final balance change order and authorizing the filing of the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder for the National City Street Resurfacing Project, FY 08-09. (Funded through Gas Tax, Traffic Congestion Relief, Proposition A and 1B Funds, and CIWMB Grants) (Development Services/Engineering Division)
14. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City awarding a contract to Koch Armstrong in the amount not-to-exceed $1,916,282.35 and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Agreement for construction improvements for the Marina Gateway Streetscape Project, Spec. No. 08-16 and authorizing the appropriation of sewer funds. (Funded by Tax Increment Fund and Sewer Fund) (Development Services/Engineering Division)
15. Temporary Use Permit - St. Mary's Fall Festival & Fund Raiser hosted by St. Mary's Church on October 4, 2009 at the parish grounds located on 8th Street and E Avenue from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. with no waiver of fees. (Neighborhood Services)
16. Temporary Use Permit - National City "Got" Talent 2nd Annual Amateur Competition which will take place in the National City Public Library at 1401 National City Boulevard on October 17, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with request of waiver of fees by the applicant. (Neighborhood Services)
17. Temporary Use Permit - National City Public Safety Fair hosted by the Police, Fire and Community Services Departments on October 31, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kimball Park. This is a National City sponsored event and qualifies for a waiver of fees pursuant to Policy No. 804. (Neighborhood Services)
18. Temporary Use Permit - Bayview Banner advertising "Condos from $125,000 (619) 336-0303" at the Bayview Tower building at 801 National City Boulevard from September 16, 2009 to February 17, 2010 with no waiver of fees. (Neighborhood Services)
19. A report on vacant retail spaces and efforts to assist property owners with vacant retail spaces. (Community Development)
26. Presentation on the National City First Time Homebuyer Program. (Housing and Grants Division/Community Development Department)
27. Boards & Commissions staff report, recommendations and City Council actions. (City Clerk)
28. Financial Update - Proposition 1A, ERAF Shift, and Fiscal Condition. (Finance)
29. City Manager‘s response to correspondence from towing companies. (City Manager)
30. Closed Session Report. (City Attorney)
Sep 15, 2009 City Council / Community Development Commission
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Full agenda
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by Mayor Ron Morrison
Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
1. Employee of the Month of September 2009, James Stiles, Firefighter/Paramedic CITY COUNCIL
9. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Sections 3, 4 and 5 of Ordinance No. 1619, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1829, and Section 5 of Ordinance No, 91-2012, pertaining to the Committee for Housing and Community Development. (City Attorney)
10. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Chapter 2.28 of the National City Municipal Code by adding Section 2.28.015 thereto, pertaining to the Planning Commission functioning as the Committee for Housing and Community Development. (City Attorney)
11. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Title 15.04 of the National City Municipal Code pertaining to the City Council's authority to approve alternate materials and methods of construction, consider appeals, and make interpretations under Title 15 of the Municipal Code; and dissolving the Advisory and Appeals Board. (City Attorney)
12. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City adopting an amended Conflict of Interest Code which incorporates by reference the Fair Political Practices Commission's Standard Model Conflict of Interest Code, and rescinding Resolution No. 2008-180. (City Attorney)
13. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City accepting the work performed by Koch-Armstrong General Engineering, Inc. with the final amount of $6,265,090.46 and authorizing the Mayor to sign the final balance change order and authorizing the filing of the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder for the National City Street Resurfacing Project, FY 08-09. (Funded through Gas Tax, Traffic Congestion Relief, Proposition A and 1B Funds, and CIWMB Grants) (Development Services/Engineering Division)
14. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City awarding a contract to Koch Armstrong in the amount not-to-exceed $1,916,282.35 and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Agreement for construction improvements for the Marina Gateway Streetscape Project, Spec. No. 08-16 and authorizing the appropriation of sewer funds. (Funded by Tax Increment Fund and Sewer Fund) (Development Services/Engineering Division)
15. Temporary Use Permit - St. Mary's Fall Festival & Fund Raiser hosted by St. Mary's Church on October 4, 2009 at the parish grounds located on 8th Street and E Avenue from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. with no waiver of fees. (Neighborhood Services)
16. Temporary Use Permit - National City "Got" Talent 2nd Annual Amateur Competition which will take place in the National City Public Library at 1401 National City Boulevard on October 17, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with request of waiver of fees by the applicant. (Neighborhood Services)
17. Temporary Use Permit - National City Public Safety Fair hosted by the Police, Fire and Community Services Departments on October 31, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kimball Park. This is a National City sponsored event and qualifies for a waiver of fees pursuant to Policy No. 804. (Neighborhood Services)
18. Temporary Use Permit - Bayview Banner advertising "Condos from $125,000 (619) 336-0303" at the Bayview Tower building at 801 National City Boulevard from September 16, 2009 to February 17, 2010 with no waiver of fees. (Neighborhood Services)
19. A report on vacant retail spaces and efforts to assist property owners with vacant retail spaces. (Community Development)
26. Presentation on the National City First Time Homebuyer Program. (Housing and Grants Division/Community Development Department)
27. Boards & Commissions staff report, recommendations and City Council actions. (City Clerk)
28. Financial Update - Proposition 1A, ERAF Shift, and Fiscal Condition. (Finance)
29. City Manager‘s response to correspondence from towing companies. (City Manager)
30. Closed Session Report. (City Attorney)
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