Video index
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of September 20, 2021
2. Approval of the Agenda for the Meeting of October 18, 2021
3. Resolution Taking Action on a Final Environmental Impact Report to assess project impacts of a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from Major Mixed-Use District (MXD-2) to Service Commercial (CS) and Open Space (OS), a Code Amendment to allow used auto sales in the CS Zone, Conditional Use Permit for Construction of a Carmax Dealership, and Tentative Parcel Map for the Subdivision of a 15.08-Acre Vacant Parcel into two on property located on the north side of Plaza Bonita Road, West of Sweetwater Road, and East of Interstate 805 (Case File No. 2016-30 GPA, ZC, A, CUP, LS, IS)
4. Request to Initiate a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for a property located at 1505
Oct 18, 2021 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of September 20, 2021
2. Approval of the Agenda for the Meeting of October 18, 2021
3. Resolution Taking Action on a Final Environmental Impact Report to assess project impacts of a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from Major Mixed-Use District (MXD-2) to Service Commercial (CS) and Open Space (OS), a Code Amendment to allow used auto sales in the CS Zone, Conditional Use Permit for Construction of a Carmax Dealership, and Tentative Parcel Map for the Subdivision of a 15.08-Acre Vacant Parcel into two on property located on the north side of Plaza Bonita Road, West of Sweetwater Road, and East of Interstate 805 (Case File No. 2016-30 GPA, ZC, A, CUP, LS, IS)
4. Request to Initiate a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for a property located at 1505
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