Video index
Call to Order
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of July 19, 2021
2. Approval of the Agenda for the Meeting of August 16, 2021
3. Welcome and Introductions – City Attorney’s Office
4. Resoluiton Taking Action on a Conditional Use Permit for the Addition of Live Entertainment and Expansion of Approved Operating Hours for Alcohol Sales at an Existing Restaurant (Gerry’s Grill) located at 3030 Plaza Bonita Road, Suite 2510 (Case File No. 2021-12 CUP) (Part 1 of 2)
5. Resolution Taking Action on a Code Amendment Amending Sections 18.20.020 (Zone Classifications), 18.21.040 (Development Standards Residential Zones), 18.21.050 (Second Units), 18.45 (Off-Street Parking And Loading), and 18.50 (Glossary), and Addition of Sections 18.30.380 and 18.30.390 of Title 18 (Zoning) of the National City Municipal Code Related to Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (Case File No. 2021-18A)
4. Resoluiton Taking Action on a Conditional Use Permit for the Addition of Live Entertainment and Expansion of Approved Operating Hours for Alcohol Sales at an Existing Restaurant (Gerry’s Grill) located at 3030 Plaza Bonita Road, Suite 2510 (Case File No. 2021-12 CUP) (Part 2 of 2)
Aug 16, 2021 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Call to Order
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of July 19, 2021
2. Approval of the Agenda for the Meeting of August 16, 2021
3. Welcome and Introductions – City Attorney’s Office
4. Resoluiton Taking Action on a Conditional Use Permit for the Addition of Live Entertainment and Expansion of Approved Operating Hours for Alcohol Sales at an Existing Restaurant (Gerry’s Grill) located at 3030 Plaza Bonita Road, Suite 2510 (Case File No. 2021-12 CUP) (Part 1 of 2)
5. Resolution Taking Action on a Code Amendment Amending Sections 18.20.020 (Zone Classifications), 18.21.040 (Development Standards Residential Zones), 18.21.050 (Second Units), 18.45 (Off-Street Parking And Loading), and 18.50 (Glossary), and Addition of Sections 18.30.380 and 18.30.390 of Title 18 (Zoning) of the National City Municipal Code Related to Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (Case File No. 2021-18A)
4. Resoluiton Taking Action on a Conditional Use Permit for the Addition of Live Entertainment and Expansion of Approved Operating Hours for Alcohol Sales at an Existing Restaurant (Gerry’s Grill) located at 3030 Plaza Bonita Road, Suite 2510 (Case File No. 2021-12 CUP) (Part 2 of 2)
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