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1. Conduct interviews of applicants to determine their qualifications and interest in serving on the City Council and may make one appointment to the vacancy on the City Council with a term ending December 8, 2020. City Council Vacancy Applicants: (Applicants are listed alphabetically)
7. Daniel Perez
11. Robert (Dukie) Valderrama
2. R. Mitchel Beauchamp
3. Stephen De La Cruz
12. Ditas Delossantos Yamane
5. David Leland Hernandez
10. Richard T. Shigley
9. Jose Rodriguez
4. Sherry L. Gogue
8. Gonzalo Quintero
1. Javier Alvarado
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Jan 29, 2019 Special City Council
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1. Conduct interviews of applicants to determine their qualifications and interest in serving on the City Council and may make one appointment to the vacancy on the City Council with a term ending December 8, 2020. City Council Vacancy Applicants: (Applicants are listed alphabetically)
7. Daniel Perez
11. Robert (Dukie) Valderrama
2. R. Mitchel Beauchamp
3. Stephen De La Cruz
12. Ditas Delossantos Yamane
5. David Leland Hernandez
10. Richard T. Shigley
9. Jose Rodriguez
4. Sherry L. Gogue
8. Gonzalo Quintero
1. Javier Alvarado
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