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Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Yamane
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of October 2, 2017
3. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on November 20, 2017
4. Resolution taking action on a Code Amendment amending Sections 18.24 (Mixed-Use Corridor and District zones), 18.25 (Industrial zones), 18.30.050 (Sale of alcoholic beverages and live entertainment), and 18.50 (Glossary) of the National City Municipal Code. (Case File No.: 2017-25 A) PUBLIC HEARINGS OTHER BUSINESS
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Nov 20, 2017 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Yamane
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of October 2, 2017
3. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on November 20, 2017
4. Resolution taking action on a Code Amendment amending Sections 18.24 (Mixed-Use Corridor and District zones), 18.25 (Industrial zones), 18.30.050 (Sale of alcoholic beverages and live entertainment), and 18.50 (Glossary) of the National City Municipal Code. (Case File No.: 2017-25 A) PUBLIC HEARINGS OTHER BUSINESS
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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