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Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Yamane
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of September 18, 2017
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on October 2, 2017
3. Resolution taking action on a Zone Variance for a reduced rear yard setback related to a warehouse addition located at 1413 Wilson Avenue (Case File No.: 2017-19 Z)
4. Resolution taking action on a Code Amendment amending Sections 7.10 (Garbage and refuse collection), 18.12 (Permits and applications), 18.30.150 (Outdoor display or sale of merchandise), 18.30.200 (Sidewalk cafés), 18.42.050 (Commercial and institutional building design standards), and 18.47.110 (Murals) of the National City Municipal Code. (Case File No.: 2017-22 A) OTHER BUSINESS
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Oct 02, 2017 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Yamane
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of September 18, 2017
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on October 2, 2017
3. Resolution taking action on a Zone Variance for a reduced rear yard setback related to a warehouse addition located at 1413 Wilson Avenue (Case File No.: 2017-19 Z)
4. Resolution taking action on a Code Amendment amending Sections 7.10 (Garbage and refuse collection), 18.12 (Permits and applications), 18.30.150 (Outdoor display or sale of merchandise), 18.30.200 (Sidewalk cafés), 18.42.050 (Commercial and institutional building design standards), and 18.47.110 (Murals) of the National City Municipal Code. (Case File No.: 2017-22 A) OTHER BUSINESS
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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