Video index
Pledge of Allegiance by Chair Quintero
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of July 17, 2017
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on August 7, 2017
3. Resolution 2017-19 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit modification for distilled spirits at an existing beer and wine-licensed restaurant (Tita’s II) located at 3421 East Plaza Boulevard. (Case File No.: 2017-09 CUP)
4. Request to Initiate a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for properties located at 3320, 3330, 3336 Orange Street and 2311 and 2305 Sweetwater Road.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Aug 07, 2017 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Pledge of Allegiance by Chair Quintero
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of July 17, 2017
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on August 7, 2017
3. Resolution 2017-19 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit modification for distilled spirits at an existing beer and wine-licensed restaurant (Tita’s II) located at 3421 East Plaza Boulevard. (Case File No.: 2017-09 CUP)
4. Request to Initiate a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for properties located at 3320, 3330, 3336 Orange Street and 2311 and 2305 Sweetwater Road.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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