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Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Bush
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Bush
Approval of Agenda
3. Conditional Use Permit for alcohol sales at a new sushi restaurant to be located at 2220 East Plaza Boulevard, Suite C & D (Case File No.: 2016-26 CUP)
4. Resolution 2016-17 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for alcohol sales at a new sushi restaurant to be located at 2220 East Plaza Boulevard, Suite C & D (Case File No.: 2016-26 CUP)
5. Tentative Parcel Map for the creation of four lots at 1821-1827 "C" Avenue with and exception for less than required lot frontage (Case File No.: 2016-29 LS)
6. Resolution 2016-18 taking action on a Tentative Parcel Map for the creation of four lots at 1821-1827 "C" Avenue with and exception for less than required lot frontage (Case File No.: 2016-29 LS) OTHER BUSINESS
7. Conditional Certificate of Compliance for a Lot Line Adjustment at property located at 1918-1930 Cleveland Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-25 CC)
8. Resolution 2016-19 taking action on a Conditional Certificate of Compliance for a Lot Line Adjustment at property located at 1918-1930 Cleveland Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-25 CC)
9. Time extension request for a Tentative Parcel Map for the division of one 27,888 square-foot lot into two lots, with an exception for less than required street frontage, at 1305 Harbison Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-33 TE)
10. Resolution 2016-14 denying a Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
11. Approval of the 2017 Planning Commission Calendar
12. Election of Officers for 2017
Dec 05, 2016 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Bush
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Bush
Approval of Agenda
3. Conditional Use Permit for alcohol sales at a new sushi restaurant to be located at 2220 East Plaza Boulevard, Suite C & D (Case File No.: 2016-26 CUP)
4. Resolution 2016-17 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for alcohol sales at a new sushi restaurant to be located at 2220 East Plaza Boulevard, Suite C & D (Case File No.: 2016-26 CUP)
5. Tentative Parcel Map for the creation of four lots at 1821-1827 "C" Avenue with and exception for less than required lot frontage (Case File No.: 2016-29 LS)
6. Resolution 2016-18 taking action on a Tentative Parcel Map for the creation of four lots at 1821-1827 "C" Avenue with and exception for less than required lot frontage (Case File No.: 2016-29 LS) OTHER BUSINESS
7. Conditional Certificate of Compliance for a Lot Line Adjustment at property located at 1918-1930 Cleveland Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-25 CC)
8. Resolution 2016-19 taking action on a Conditional Certificate of Compliance for a Lot Line Adjustment at property located at 1918-1930 Cleveland Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-25 CC)
9. Time extension request for a Tentative Parcel Map for the division of one 27,888 square-foot lot into two lots, with an exception for less than required street frontage, at 1305 Harbison Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-33 TE)
10. Resolution 2016-14 denying a Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
11. Approval of the 2017 Planning Commission Calendar
12. Election of Officers for 2017
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