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Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Garcia
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of August 15, 2016
11. Request to Initiate a General Plan Amendment, Code Amendment, and Zone Change to change the zoning from Major Mixed-Use District (MXD-2) to Service Commercial (CS) and Open Space (OS), and to allow used vehicle sales subject to a Conditional Use Permit in relation to a proposed Carmax Dealership to be located on Plaza Bonita Road.
3. Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of a convenience store at an existing gas station at 1803 Highland Avenue. (Case File No.: 2016-17 CUP)
4. Resolution 2016-13 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of a convenience store at an existing gas station at 1803 Highland Avenue. (Case File No.: 2016-17 CUP)
5. Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
6. Resolution 2016-14 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
7. Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Parcel Map to convert a three unit multi-family development to condominiums at 1404 & 1408 Coolidge Avenue and 316 West 14th Street (Case File No.: 2016-18 CUP, LS)
6. Resolution 2016-14 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
7. Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Parcel Map to convert a three unit multi-family development to condominiums at 1404 & 1408 Coolidge Avenue and 316 West 14th Street (Case File No.: 2016-18 CUP, LS)
8. Resolution 2016-15 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Parcel Map to convert a three unit multi-family development to condominiums at 1404 & 1408 Coolidge Avenue and 316 West 14th Street (Case File No.: 2016-18 CUP, LS)
9. Conditional Use Permit for a craft beer tasting room to be located at 340 West 26th Street, Suite D (Case File No.: 2016-21 CUP)
10. Resolution 2016-16 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for a craft beer tasting room to be located at 340 West 26th Street, Suite D (Case File No.: 2016-21 CUP) OTHER BUSINESS
Nov 07, 2016 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Garcia
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of August 15, 2016
11. Request to Initiate a General Plan Amendment, Code Amendment, and Zone Change to change the zoning from Major Mixed-Use District (MXD-2) to Service Commercial (CS) and Open Space (OS), and to allow used vehicle sales subject to a Conditional Use Permit in relation to a proposed Carmax Dealership to be located on Plaza Bonita Road.
3. Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of a convenience store at an existing gas station at 1803 Highland Avenue. (Case File No.: 2016-17 CUP)
4. Resolution 2016-13 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for the expansion of a convenience store at an existing gas station at 1803 Highland Avenue. (Case File No.: 2016-17 CUP)
5. Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
6. Resolution 2016-14 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
7. Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Parcel Map to convert a three unit multi-family development to condominiums at 1404 & 1408 Coolidge Avenue and 316 West 14th Street (Case File No.: 2016-18 CUP, LS)
6. Resolution 2016-14 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for wholesale automobile sales with accessory auto repair, detail, and outdoor storage located at 2000 Roosevelt Avenue (Case File No.: 2016-10 CUP)
7. Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Parcel Map to convert a three unit multi-family development to condominiums at 1404 & 1408 Coolidge Avenue and 316 West 14th Street (Case File No.: 2016-18 CUP, LS)
8. Resolution 2016-15 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Parcel Map to convert a three unit multi-family development to condominiums at 1404 & 1408 Coolidge Avenue and 316 West 14th Street (Case File No.: 2016-18 CUP, LS)
9. Conditional Use Permit for a craft beer tasting room to be located at 340 West 26th Street, Suite D (Case File No.: 2016-21 CUP)
10. Resolution 2016-16 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for a craft beer tasting room to be located at 340 West 26th Street, Suite D (Case File No.: 2016-21 CUP) OTHER BUSINESS
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