Video index
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Yamane
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of February 8, 2016
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on March 7, 2016
3. Conditional Use Permit for a Wireless Communications Facility at Sweetwater High School located at 2900 Highland Avenue (Case File No: 2015-17 CUP)
4. Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of one lot into two at 2739 "C" Avenue with an exception for less than required lot frontage. (Case File No.: 2015-20 LS)
5. Resolution 2016-01 taking action on a Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of one lot into two at 2739 "C" Avenue with an exception for less than required lot frontage. (Case File No.: 2015-20 LS)
6. Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales at Yi Sushi Restaurant to be located at 1430 East Plaza Blvd., suite E-7B. (Case File No.: 2015-21 CUP)
7. Resolution 2016-02 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales at Yi Sushi Restaurant to be located at 1430 East Plaza Blvd., suite E-7B. (Case File No.: 2015-21 CUP) PUBLIC HEARINGS
8. Planned Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a storage building located at 922 West 23rd Street. (Case File No.: 2015-29 PD, CDP)
9. Resolution 2016-03 taking action on a Planned Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a storage building located at 922 West 23rd Street. (Case File No.: 2015-29 PD, CDP) OTHER BUSINESS
10. Parking reduction request for a proposed 20-unit apartment project at 618 East 18th Street (Case File No.: 2016-04 SPR)
11. Resolution 2016-04 taking action on a Parking reduction request for a proposed 20-unit apartment project at 618 East 18th Street (Case File No.: 2016-04 SPR)
12. Request seeking report from the Planning Commission regarding City Council modification of a Planning Commission recommendation to amend Title 18 (Zoning) related to Signs and Outdoor Advertising Displays.
Mar 07, 2016 Planning Commission
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Yamane
1. Approval of Minutes from the Meeting of February 8, 2016
2. Approval of Agenda for the Meeting on March 7, 2016
3. Conditional Use Permit for a Wireless Communications Facility at Sweetwater High School located at 2900 Highland Avenue (Case File No: 2015-17 CUP)
4. Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of one lot into two at 2739 "C" Avenue with an exception for less than required lot frontage. (Case File No.: 2015-20 LS)
5. Resolution 2016-01 taking action on a Tentative Parcel Map for the subdivision of one lot into two at 2739 "C" Avenue with an exception for less than required lot frontage. (Case File No.: 2015-20 LS)
6. Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales at Yi Sushi Restaurant to be located at 1430 East Plaza Blvd., suite E-7B. (Case File No.: 2015-21 CUP)
7. Resolution 2016-02 taking action on a Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine sales at Yi Sushi Restaurant to be located at 1430 East Plaza Blvd., suite E-7B. (Case File No.: 2015-21 CUP) PUBLIC HEARINGS
8. Planned Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a storage building located at 922 West 23rd Street. (Case File No.: 2015-29 PD, CDP)
9. Resolution 2016-03 taking action on a Planned Development Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a storage building located at 922 West 23rd Street. (Case File No.: 2015-29 PD, CDP) OTHER BUSINESS
10. Parking reduction request for a proposed 20-unit apartment project at 618 East 18th Street (Case File No.: 2016-04 SPR)
11. Resolution 2016-04 taking action on a Parking reduction request for a proposed 20-unit apartment project at 618 East 18th Street (Case File No.: 2016-04 SPR)
12. Request seeking report from the Planning Commission regarding City Council modification of a Planning Commission recommendation to amend Title 18 (Zoning) related to Signs and Outdoor Advertising Displays.
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