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Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Flores.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a wireless communications facility at 700 Bay Marina Drive. Case File No. 2009-23 CUP, CDP.
3. Resolution No. 04-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a Wireless Communications Facility at 700 Bay Marina Drive. Case File No. 2009-23 CUP, CDP.
4. Public Hearing - To Consider a Recommendation to Certify a Final Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Prepared to Assess and Mitigate Project Impacts of Adoption of the Westside Specific Plan and Related General Plan Amendments; and to Consider a Recommendation of Adoption of the Westside Specific Plan and Related General Plan Amendments resulting in Zoning Designation Changes from Light Manufacturing - Residential and Civic Institutional-Open Space Reserve to Multi-Use Commercial (MCR-1, MCR-2), Limited Commercial, Residential Single-Family, Civic Institutional, and Open Space Reserve. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
6. Resolution No. 06-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, Recommending Approval of a General Plan Amendment and Zoning Designation Changes from Light Manufacturing-Residential and Civic Institutional-Open Space Reserve to Multi-Use Commercial Residential (MCR-1, MCR-2), Limited Commercial, Residential Single-Family, Civic Institutional, and Open Space Reserve within the Westside Specific Plan Area West of I-5, East of National City Boulevard, North of Mile Of Cars Way and South of Plaza Boulevard. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
7. Resolution No. 07-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, Recommending Adoption of the Westside Specific Plan located west of I-5, East of National City Boulevard, North of Mile of Cars Way and south of Plaza Boulevard. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
Mar 01, 2010 Planning Commission
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Video Index
Full agenda
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance - by Commissioner Flores.
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a wireless communications facility at 700 Bay Marina Drive. Case File No. 2009-23 CUP, CDP.
3. Resolution No. 04-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, taking action on a Conditional Use Permit and Coastal Development Permit for a Wireless Communications Facility at 700 Bay Marina Drive. Case File No. 2009-23 CUP, CDP.
4. Public Hearing - To Consider a Recommendation to Certify a Final Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Prepared to Assess and Mitigate Project Impacts of Adoption of the Westside Specific Plan and Related General Plan Amendments; and to Consider a Recommendation of Adoption of the Westside Specific Plan and Related General Plan Amendments resulting in Zoning Designation Changes from Light Manufacturing - Residential and Civic Institutional-Open Space Reserve to Multi-Use Commercial (MCR-1, MCR-2), Limited Commercial, Residential Single-Family, Civic Institutional, and Open Space Reserve. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
6. Resolution No. 06-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, Recommending Approval of a General Plan Amendment and Zoning Designation Changes from Light Manufacturing-Residential and Civic Institutional-Open Space Reserve to Multi-Use Commercial Residential (MCR-1, MCR-2), Limited Commercial, Residential Single-Family, Civic Institutional, and Open Space Reserve within the Westside Specific Plan Area West of I-5, East of National City Boulevard, North of Mile Of Cars Way and South of Plaza Boulevard. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
7. Resolution No. 07-2010. A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of National City, California, Recommending Adoption of the Westside Specific Plan located west of I-5, East of National City Boulevard, North of Mile of Cars Way and south of Plaza Boulevard. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR. Case File No. 2007-34 GPA, ZC, SPA, EIR.
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Principal Planner
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