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1. Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency adopting an administrative budget for the National City Oversight Board. (Community Services)
2. Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency adopting an asset transfer agreement for the disposition of former Community Development Commission owned property pursuant to the 2011 California Redevelopment Legislation (AB X1 26). (Community Services)
3. Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency adopting the April 3, 2012 Amended Draft Initial Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule (ROPS) for the period January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012. (Community Services)
5. Staff Report on options for 2011 Tax Allocation Bonds. (Redevelopment)
Apr 24, 2012 Successor Agency to the CDC as Redev Agency
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency adopting an administrative budget for the National City Oversight Board. (Community Services)
2. Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency adopting an asset transfer agreement for the disposition of former Community Development Commission owned property pursuant to the 2011 California Redevelopment Legislation (AB X1 26). (Community Services)
3. Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency adopting the April 3, 2012 Amended Draft Initial Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule (ROPS) for the period January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012. (Community Services)
5. Staff Report on options for 2011 Tax Allocation Bonds. (Redevelopment)
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