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Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
2. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the installation of angle parking on the east side of Haffley Avenue between W. 19th Street and Bay Marina Drive and 20-foot long parallel parking stalls on the west side to address vehicle storage issues regarding large trucks and detached trailers. (TSC 2013-01) (Engineering)
3. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the installation of reflectorized curve warning signs and 20 feet of red curb "No Parking" along the 3100 block of Cagle Street to enhance safety. (TSC 2013-02) (Engineering)
11. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing Mid-Year Budget Adjustments by approving the Designation of the General Fund Contingency Reserve, and establishing a Self-Replenishing Environmental Monitoring Account; and ratifying actions related to the appropriation of funds for the 125th Anniversary, and the acceptance of San Diego County Law Enforcement Foundation Grant Funds. (Finance)
12. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the reinvestment of $2 million in the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Services (CDARS) program with Neighborhood National Bank for a one-year term. (Finance)
13. Request to authorize the National City Fire Department to utilize R-1 Seagraves Fire Engine in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in San Diego on March 16, 2013. (Fire)
14. Discussion of Alternate Member Process - Boards & Commissions. (City Clerk) **Continued from Council meeting 2/20/13**
15. Staff Report - Collaborative efforts between the City of National City and National City Schools. (City Manager)
16. Resolution of the Community Development Commission Housing Authority of the City of National City authorizing the Chairman to execute a Services and Access Agreement, and a Grant of Easement and Memorandum of Agreement with Cox Communications California, LLC to provide communications and other services to the residents of Morgan Tower located at 1415 D Avenue. (Housing & Grants)
17. Update on Federal Sequestration. (Housing & Grants)
18. Closed Session Report. (City Attorney)
Mar 05, 2013 City Council / Community Development Commission / Housing Authority
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Full agenda
Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
2. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the installation of angle parking on the east side of Haffley Avenue between W. 19th Street and Bay Marina Drive and 20-foot long parallel parking stalls on the west side to address vehicle storage issues regarding large trucks and detached trailers. (TSC 2013-01) (Engineering)
3. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the installation of reflectorized curve warning signs and 20 feet of red curb "No Parking" along the 3100 block of Cagle Street to enhance safety. (TSC 2013-02) (Engineering)
11. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing Mid-Year Budget Adjustments by approving the Designation of the General Fund Contingency Reserve, and establishing a Self-Replenishing Environmental Monitoring Account; and ratifying actions related to the appropriation of funds for the 125th Anniversary, and the acceptance of San Diego County Law Enforcement Foundation Grant Funds. (Finance)
12. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the reinvestment of $2 million in the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Services (CDARS) program with Neighborhood National Bank for a one-year term. (Finance)
13. Request to authorize the National City Fire Department to utilize R-1 Seagraves Fire Engine in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in San Diego on March 16, 2013. (Fire)
14. Discussion of Alternate Member Process - Boards & Commissions. (City Clerk) **Continued from Council meeting 2/20/13**
15. Staff Report - Collaborative efforts between the City of National City and National City Schools. (City Manager)
16. Resolution of the Community Development Commission Housing Authority of the City of National City authorizing the Chairman to execute a Services and Access Agreement, and a Grant of Easement and Memorandum of Agreement with Cox Communications California, LLC to provide communications and other services to the residents of Morgan Tower located at 1415 D Avenue. (Housing & Grants)
17. Update on Federal Sequestration. (Housing & Grants)
18. Closed Session Report. (City Attorney)
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