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Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
27. Follow-up on 125th Anniversary Event. (Community Services)
10. Temporary Use Permit - 2012 State of the City Address sponsored by the City of National City on October 18, 2012 from 5 pm to 8 pm at 1914 Sweetwater Road. This is a City-sponsored event per Council Policy No. 804. (Neighborhood Services)
11. Temporary Use Permit - "Wine'ing Down the Summer with Jazz" hosted by Jazzy Mynds Productions at Olivewood Learning Center on October 20, 2012 from 4 pm to 8:30 pm with no waiver of fees. (Neighborhood Services)
18. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Chapter 9.06.110 of the National City Municipal Code to allow the grading of Mobile Food Facilities that prepare food. (City Manager/City Attorney) ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION
19. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Chapter 7.20 of the National City Municipal Code by adding Section 7.20.150 regulating the use of tarpaulins. (Development Services/Planning)
20. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the installation of red curb "No Parking" at the driveway to 2320 Euclid Avenue to provide clearance from parked vehicles. (Traffic Safety Committee Item No. 2012-24) (Development Services/Engineering)
21. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing and adopting a Final Order of Abatement of a Declared Public Nuisance for properties located at 322-340 Highland Avenue. (Fire)
22. Request to use Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center (North and South Rooms) by National City College Campus Lions Club for a Spirit of the Holidays toy and food giveaway to needy families of National City on December 21-22 2012. Applicant anticipates approximately 450 people will be attending this year's event. The applicant has requested a waiver of fees. (Public Works)
23. Request from semi-pro football team "National City Bears" to charge admission for games under facility use permit (FUP) at El Toyon Multi-Use Field on 10/13/12, 10/20/12, 11/3/12, and 11/10/12. (Public Works)
24. Appeal Hearing - Notice to Abate Public Nuisance, 822 E. 4th Street, APN 556-331-15-00. (Weed Abatement) (City Clerk)
25. City Council Meeting Schedule - October 2012 through January 2013. (City Clerk)
26. Active Transportation Grant Awards. (Engineering)
28. Closed Session Report. (City Attorney)
5. Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency Meeting Schedule - October 2012 through January 2013. (City Clerk) STAFF REPORT
6. Closed Session Report. (General Counsel) (City Attorney)
Oct 02, 2012 City Council / Successor Agency to CDC as Redev Agency - Housing Authority
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Full agenda
Public Oral Communications (Three-Minute Time Limit)
27. Follow-up on 125th Anniversary Event. (Community Services)
10. Temporary Use Permit - 2012 State of the City Address sponsored by the City of National City on October 18, 2012 from 5 pm to 8 pm at 1914 Sweetwater Road. This is a City-sponsored event per Council Policy No. 804. (Neighborhood Services)
11. Temporary Use Permit - "Wine'ing Down the Summer with Jazz" hosted by Jazzy Mynds Productions at Olivewood Learning Center on October 20, 2012 from 4 pm to 8:30 pm with no waiver of fees. (Neighborhood Services)
18. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Chapter 9.06.110 of the National City Municipal Code to allow the grading of Mobile Food Facilities that prepare food. (City Manager/City Attorney) ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION
19. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Chapter 7.20 of the National City Municipal Code by adding Section 7.20.150 regulating the use of tarpaulins. (Development Services/Planning)
20. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the installation of red curb "No Parking" at the driveway to 2320 Euclid Avenue to provide clearance from parked vehicles. (Traffic Safety Committee Item No. 2012-24) (Development Services/Engineering)
21. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing and adopting a Final Order of Abatement of a Declared Public Nuisance for properties located at 322-340 Highland Avenue. (Fire)
22. Request to use Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center (North and South Rooms) by National City College Campus Lions Club for a Spirit of the Holidays toy and food giveaway to needy families of National City on December 21-22 2012. Applicant anticipates approximately 450 people will be attending this year's event. The applicant has requested a waiver of fees. (Public Works)
23. Request from semi-pro football team "National City Bears" to charge admission for games under facility use permit (FUP) at El Toyon Multi-Use Field on 10/13/12, 10/20/12, 11/3/12, and 11/10/12. (Public Works)
24. Appeal Hearing - Notice to Abate Public Nuisance, 822 E. 4th Street, APN 556-331-15-00. (Weed Abatement) (City Clerk)
25. City Council Meeting Schedule - October 2012 through January 2013. (City Clerk)
26. Active Transportation Grant Awards. (Engineering)
28. Closed Session Report. (City Attorney)
5. Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission as the National City Redevelopment Agency Meeting Schedule - October 2012 through January 2013. (City Clerk) STAFF REPORT
6. Closed Session Report. (General Counsel) (City Attorney)
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