Video index
1. National City Celebrates San Diego Gives Day.
2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Update. (Engineering/Public Works)
3. Appointment of the City of National City District Sales Tax "Proposition D" Independent Review Committee. (Finance)
4. Project Labor Standards and Policies - Ad Hoc Committee Appointment. (City Clerk)
7. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National city authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Revised/Amended Memorandum of Agreement with the County of San Diego by and through its Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) for broad range of health and social services to community residents including trauma informed behavioral health services. (Police)
8. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the acceptance of annual grant funds & the establishment of an appropriation and corresponding revenue budget for the Regional Realignment Response Group (R3) based upon a Memorandum of Agreement signed by the Chief of Police pursuant to Council Resolution 2020-129 between the National City Police Department, the County of San Diego (San Diego Sheriff’s Department and Probation Department) and municipal law enforcement agencies throughout the County for support of R3G Operations in the amount of $67,000. (Police)
10 Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the establishment of a General Fund appropriation of $73,802 and use of General Fund balance in FY22 for operation of Las Palmas Pool during FY21. (Library and Community Services)
11 Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City awarding and authorizing the Mayor to execute agreements for Towing and Impound Services with the top two-ranked providers: A to Z Enterprises, Inc., DBA Road One Towing and Alexandra Investments, Inc., DBA Angelo's Towing and Recovery with a term of October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2023. (Police and Finance)
21 Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City waiving the formal bid process pursuant to National City Municipal Code Section 2.60.222 regarding open market procedure and authorizing the purchase and build-out of one (1) R 1250 RT-P Motorcycle in an amount not-to-exceed $34,995.15 from sole source vendor BMW of Escondido. (Engineering/Public Works)
26. Public Hearing and Introduction of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Sections 18.20.020, 18.21.040, 18.21.050, 18.45, and 18.50, and addition of Sections 18.30.380 and 18.30.390 of Title 18 (Zoning) of the National City Municipal Code. (Applicant: City-Initiated) (Case File 2021-18 A) (Planning)
27. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City ratifying and authorizing the Mayor to execute a one-year agreement between the City of National City and McAlister Institute for Treatment and Education, Incorporated (“McAlister”) for the provision of homeless case management and supportive services for an amount not to exceed $313,532. (Housing Authority)
28. Notice of Decision – Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the addition of live entertainment and expansion of approved operating hours for alcohol sales at an existing restaurant (Gerry’s Grill) located at 3030 Plaza Bonita Road, Suite 2510. (Applicant: Steve Rawlings) (Case File 2021-12 CUP) (Planning)
29. Discussion and direction pertaining to amending the National City Municipal Code Title 2 - Administration by adding Chapter 2.02 - City Attorney. (City Attorney)
Sep 07, 2021 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. National City Celebrates San Diego Gives Day.
2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Update. (Engineering/Public Works)
3. Appointment of the City of National City District Sales Tax "Proposition D" Independent Review Committee. (Finance)
4. Project Labor Standards and Policies - Ad Hoc Committee Appointment. (City Clerk)
7. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National city authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Revised/Amended Memorandum of Agreement with the County of San Diego by and through its Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) for broad range of health and social services to community residents including trauma informed behavioral health services. (Police)
8. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the acceptance of annual grant funds & the establishment of an appropriation and corresponding revenue budget for the Regional Realignment Response Group (R3) based upon a Memorandum of Agreement signed by the Chief of Police pursuant to Council Resolution 2020-129 between the National City Police Department, the County of San Diego (San Diego Sheriff’s Department and Probation Department) and municipal law enforcement agencies throughout the County for support of R3G Operations in the amount of $67,000. (Police)
10 Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City authorizing the establishment of a General Fund appropriation of $73,802 and use of General Fund balance in FY22 for operation of Las Palmas Pool during FY21. (Library and Community Services)
11 Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City awarding and authorizing the Mayor to execute agreements for Towing and Impound Services with the top two-ranked providers: A to Z Enterprises, Inc., DBA Road One Towing and Alexandra Investments, Inc., DBA Angelo's Towing and Recovery with a term of October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2023. (Police and Finance)
21 Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City waiving the formal bid process pursuant to National City Municipal Code Section 2.60.222 regarding open market procedure and authorizing the purchase and build-out of one (1) R 1250 RT-P Motorcycle in an amount not-to-exceed $34,995.15 from sole source vendor BMW of Escondido. (Engineering/Public Works)
26. Public Hearing and Introduction of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of National City amending Sections 18.20.020, 18.21.040, 18.21.050, 18.45, and 18.50, and addition of Sections 18.30.380 and 18.30.390 of Title 18 (Zoning) of the National City Municipal Code. (Applicant: City-Initiated) (Case File 2021-18 A) (Planning)
27. Resolution of the City Council of the City of National City ratifying and authorizing the Mayor to execute a one-year agreement between the City of National City and McAlister Institute for Treatment and Education, Incorporated (“McAlister”) for the provision of homeless case management and supportive services for an amount not to exceed $313,532. (Housing Authority)
28. Notice of Decision – Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the addition of live entertainment and expansion of approved operating hours for alcohol sales at an existing restaurant (Gerry’s Grill) located at 3030 Plaza Bonita Road, Suite 2510. (Applicant: Steve Rawlings) (Case File 2021-12 CUP) (Planning)
29. Discussion and direction pertaining to amending the National City Municipal Code Title 2 - Administration by adding Chapter 2.02 - City Attorney. (City Attorney)
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